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The Exhaust Port - a Star Wars Podcast



Feb 4, 2018

We're back for episode 35 of The Exhaust Port podcast! This time Todd is joined by Reid Byers to play in the world of The Last Jedi one last time (for now). If you're following the universe of Star Wars fandom then you're well aware that the title of "Luke Skywalker: the Hero That Divided a Fanbase" couldn't be more...

Jan 28, 2018

Oh boy, do we have a good episode of The Exhaust Port cooked up for this week! Acclaimed writer & director (and Star Wars fan numero uno) Patrick Read Johnson once again joins Todd for the 34th episode of our podcast and the boys talk about - you guessed it - that little movie called The Last Jedi. Patrick gives his...

Jan 21, 2018

The dust has settled and it's been over a month since The Last Jedi, the eighth installment of the Star Wars saga films has been released. We've had one podcast completely dedicated to the film with quite a few of the regular contributors of The Exhaust Port breaking down and all being in agreement in their love of...

Dec 20, 2017

OK, the initial dust has settled and everyone has (hopefully) seen Rian Johnson's The Last Jedi. So guess what?? It's time for The Exhaust Port Podcast crew to break it down! Todd is joined by Dork Side regulars Katrina, Reid, and Sequoyah to go over every detail of the latest installment of the Star Wars cinematic...

Dec 13, 2017


After a bit of a layoff, The Exhaust Port podcast is back. And when we say back we mean it! For episode 30 host Todd Canipe is joined by a huge group of The Exhaust Port and Dork Side Productions' most frequent contributors in the form of Sequoyah Winston, Dan Bruer, Reid Byers, and Katrina Canipe, to look back on the...