Jan 28, 2018
Oh boy, do we have a good episode of The Exhaust Port cooked up for this week! Acclaimed writer & director (and Star Wars fan numero uno) Patrick Read Johnson once again joins Todd for the 34th episode of our podcast and the boys talk about - you guessed it - that little movie called The Last Jedi. Patrick gives his unique insight into Rian's film, including its divisive nature within the fanbase, and offers up some strong opinions as to why this may be. Also discussed is Mark Hamill's performance as the legendary Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, why the ending was the perfect sendoff to the hero we've all grown up with, and a tiny bit about the upcoming Solo, A Star Wars Story. And of course, Patrick gives us all an update on his wonderful film 5-25-77, which is looking at a wider release in late spring / early summer. Last but not least, the 'May the 4's Be With You' topic for this week is the top four Star Wars stories we want to see make it onto the screen. Oh, and there's a Roger Corman mention!
~Enjoy, and May the Force Be With You!