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The Exhaust Port - a Star Wars Podcast



Oct 12, 2017

Welcome to episode 27 of The Exhaust Port podcast. This one is a doozy, so stick with it. Todd and Sequoyah start off with the best of intentions, analyzing the first arc of the new Vader comic series, then things go off the rails – but in a great way. No stone is left unturned Read More ...

May 7, 2017

Sequoyah Winston returns to the co-host chair with Todd for the 10th episode (and technically the May the 4th edition, since it was actually recorded then, ha) of The Exhaust Port podcast. What ensues is a typical deep-dive into all things nerdtacular in the Star Wars universe. The Last Jedi talk, updated comics...

Feb 11, 2017

In the fourth episode of my new weekly podcast (or whenever the hell I feel like making them..), The Exhaust Port, I catch up with longtime friend and fellow Star Wars and comic book nerd Seqouyah Winston to discuss all things Star Wars comics. And… end up pretty much just talking about the Darth Vader series that...