May 26, 2017
Did you hear somebody had a birthday? Yes, our beloved Star Wars, the film franchise that we all obsess about has turned 40 years old. Wow. For the 12th episode of The Exhaust Port, Todd sits down with an all-star Dork Side Productions roster for a Rancor-sized podcast extravaganza entitled Forty Years of the 40rce!!...
May 19, 2017
Dan Bruer and Katrina Canipe are back with Todd for the 11th episode of The Exhaust Port podcast! With the 40th anniversary of Star Wars and A New Hope rolling up we discuss the staying power and relevance of Star Wars. From the hero’s journey, to evolving technology and it’s relation to the SW universe, Read More...
May 7, 2017
Sequoyah Winston returns to the co-host chair with Todd for the 10th episode (and technically the May the 4th edition, since it was actually recorded then, ha) of The Exhaust Port podcast. What ensues is a typical deep-dive into all things nerdtacular in the Star Wars universe. The Last Jedi talk, updated comics...