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The Exhaust Port - a Star Wars Podcast



Feb 4, 2018

We're back for episode 35 of The Exhaust Port podcast! This time Todd is joined by Reid Byers to play in the world of The Last Jedi one last time (for now). If you're following the universe of Star Wars fandom then you're well aware that the title of "Luke Skywalker: the Hero That Divided a Fanbase" couldn't be more perfect. We cover the ins and outs of the return of the Jedi as it were, and dissect exactly why our hero's triumphant return may have polarized fans the world-over. After contrasting the Luke we got versus the Luke we had all spent thirty years dreaming of, we came to the basic conclusion that yes, this IS our Luke Skywalker, and it's time we all appreciate him! Plus, the only topic for May the 4's Be With You is, of course, our top four Luke Skywalker moments of all-time, so make sure to hang around for that. Oh, and bloopers are back!

~Thanks as always, and May The Force Be With You!